
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Some more Useful Idioms in Use

Some more Useful Idioms in Use

across the board
MEANING: including everyone or everything
The computer company decided to give the workers an across-the-board increase in their salary.

at a loss
MEANING: sell something and lose money
We were forced to sell the computers at a big loss.

bail a company out
MEANING: help or rescue a company with financial problems.
The government decided to bail out the failing bank in order to maintain stability in the economy.

ball park figure/estimate
MEANING: a rough estimate or figure
The contractor gave us a ball park figure for the cost of repairing the new building.

bang for the buck
MEANING: value for the money spent
We were able to get a big bang for our buck when we advertised on the Internet.

banker's hours
MEANING: short work hours
My sister's husband owns his own company and is able to work banker's hours with his large staff.


MEANING: an accountant


We asked the bean-counters to look over the figures in the new budget.

big gun/cheese/wheel/wig

MEANING: an important person, a leader


The new director was a big wheel in his previous company but is not so important now.

bottom fall out/drop out

MEANING: to fall below an earlier lowest price


When the bottom fell out of the coffee market many companies had to stop doing business.

bottom line

MEANING: the total, the final figure on a balance sheet


When they examined the bottom line of the company they decided not to invest in it.

bottom out

MEANING: reach the lowest or worst point of something


The value of the stock has begun to bottom out and should soon begin to increase in value.

boys/men in the backroom

MEANING: a group of men making decisions behind the scenes


The boys in the backroom told us that we must close down the factory as soon as possible.

break even

MEANING: have expenses equal to profits


After only three months the company was able to break even and start making profits.

budget squeeze/crunch

MEANING: a situation where there is not enough money in the budget


We have been going through a severe budget squeeze at our company and must begin to stop spending money in a wasteful manner.

buy off

MEANING: use a gift or money to divert someone from their duty or purpose


The land developer tried to buy off the politician but he was not successful.

buy out

MEANING: buy the ownership or a decisive share of something


The company was bought out by another large company in the textile industry.

by a long shot

MEANING: by a big difference, by far


The soap company was able to beat out the bids of the other companies by a long shot.

calculated risk

MEANING: an action that may fail but has a good chance to succeed


They took a calculated risk when they introduced the new computer screen onto the market.

captain of industry

MEANING: a top corporation officer


The president of our company was a captain of industry and after he retired he was appointed to many government boards.

carry over

MEANING: save for another time


We were forced to carry over the sale to the Monday after the national holiday.

carry over

MEANING: transfer (a figure) from one column or book to another


Our company is still facing difficult times and we will have to carry over last year's losses to this year.

carry the day

MEANING: win completely


The president's new idea carried the day and everyone supported him energetically.

carry through

MEANING: put into action


The steel company carried through their plan to restructure all of their operations.

close out

MEANING: sell the whole of something, sell all the goods


They decided to close out the store and sell all of the remaining stock very cheap.

close the books

MEANING: stop taking orders, end a bookkeeping period


They usually close the books at the end of February every year.

cold call

MEANING: call a potential customer from a list of persons one has never seen


When he first started to work at his company he was asked to make cold calls using the telephone book.

come on strong

MEANING: overwhelm with excessively strong language or personality


The salesman came on too strong at the meeting and angered the other members of the team.

company man

MEANING: a person who always works hard and agrees with his employees


My father was a true company man and was always putting in an extra effort for his company.

company town

MEANING: a town dominated by one industry or company


When the coal mine closed down the company town faced severe economic times.

cut back

MEANING: use fewer or use less


The company has been cutting back on entertainment expenses for over a year now.

cut corners

MEANING: economize


We have been forced to economize on stationary expenses during these severe economic times.

cut off

MEANING: interrupt or stop


The speech of the president was cut off when the electricity went off in the building.

cut one's losses

MEANING: do something to stop losing money or something


We should sell the old machinery as soon as possible and try and cut our losses.

deliver the goods

MEANING: succeed in doing well what is expected


The new owner of the company is not very popular but he is able to deliver the goods.


MEANING: check something again to confirm


We were unable to double-check the costs of the new products before the price list was printed.

face value

MEANING: the official worth or trust of something


Although the face value of the postage stamp was very low it sold at the auction for much money.

fair play

MEANING: justice, equal and right action to someone


The company is very good to work for as they always use fair play when they are bargaining with their employees.

figure out

MEANING: find an answer by thinking about something


Everyone in our company is trying to figure out what our boss is going to do with the new equipment.

fill the bill

MEANING: be just what is needed


That new machine should fill the bill as to what we need to finish the job.

finger in the pie

MEANING: involved in what is happening, receiving money for something


The new manager has his finger in the pie in all aspects of our company's business.

gain ground

MEANING: go forward, make progress


Our company has been gaining ground in our attempt to be the best in the industry.

get a break

MEANING: get an opportunity or good deal


We were able to get a break on the price of the paint and saved a lot of money.

get off the ground

MEANING: make a successful beginning, go ahead


We were unable to get the new product off the ground and will have to wait until next year.

give someone the green light

MEANING: give permission to go ahead with a project


Our boss gave us the green light to begin work on the new sales promotion.

go public

MEANING: sell shares of a privately owned company to the public


The stock of the Internet company rose very quickly when they went public.

go through with

MEANING: finish, do as planned or agreed


We have decided not to go through with our plans to launch the new product until we have solved all of its problems.

hard sell

MEANING: sell something by being very aggressive


The car salesman gave us a hard sell so we decided to go to another dealer.

heads will roll

MEANING: someone will be punished


Heads will roll when our boss learns about the money that we have lost recently.

in black and white

MEANING: in writing


The company refused to deal with the customer's complaints until they saw them in black and white.

in charge of

MEANING: in control of, responsible for


My sister has been in charge of buying supplies at her company for many years.

in short supply

MEANING: not enough, in less than the amount or number needed


Experienced computer programmers are in short supply at our company.

in stock

MEANING: have something ready to sell or use


They didn't have any computer printer ribbons in stock at the store.

in the black

MEANING: successful or making money


The new company has been in the black for over a year now.

in the long run

MEANING: in the final result


The company has been losing money recently but in the long run they should do very well.

in the market for

MEANING: ready to buy something


We have been in the market for a new computer for a long time but still we haven't bought one.

in the red

MEANING: losing money, unprofitable


The company began to go into the red when the price of oil began to rise rapidly.

in the works

MEANING: in preparation, being planned or worked on


The camera company has a new automatic camera in the works but nobody knows about it yet.

jack up

MEANING: make a price higher


The steel companies decided to jack up the price of steel at the beginning of the year.

keep books

MEANING: keep records of money gained and spent


The new assistant to the sales manager has no experience keeping books and has made many mistakes.

keep track of

MEANING: keep a count or record, stay informed


They have been making a great effort to keep track of the number of visitors to their store.


MEANING: money paid illegally for favourable treatment


The construction company was taken to court for giving kickbacks to the local politicians.

make a go of

MEANING: produce good results, succeed


Although he works very hard in his small business he has been unable to make a go of it and may soon go out of business.

mean business

MEANING: be serious


Our boss means business when he tells everyone to try and work harder.


MEANING: an accountant, someone who works with numbers


Our president is a good number-cruncher and understands about the finances of our company.

on hand

MEANING: in one's possession, ready


We didn't have any supplies on hand and were unable to finish the job.

(buy) on credit

MEANING: buy something without paying cash


My friend had no money so he decided to buy the furniture on credit.

on the block

MEANING: for sale


As soon as they purchased the company they began to put some of the equipment on the block.

pay off

MEANING: make a profit, be successful


The furniture manufacturer was unable to pay off their loan and had to go out of business.

piece/slice of the action

MEANING: a share in the activity or the profits of something


The inventor wanted a large piece of the action of the profits from the new computer that he had invented.

red ink

MEANING: debt (red ink on a financial statement)


The automobile company has been drowning in red ink since the US dollar began to rise.

run short

MEANING: not have enough in quantity


They ran short of gasoline at the gas station and had to close early.

saddled with debt

MEANING: burdened with debt


Our sister company is saddled with a great amount of debt and should be sold as soon as possible.

sell like hotcakes

MEANING: sell very quickly


The children's toys were selling like hotcakes at the end of the year.

sell out

MEANING: sell all of a product


Every year at least one company sells out all of their products which frustrates many customers.

strike while the iron is hot

MEANING: take advantage of an opportunity


We decided to strike while the iron was hot and began to market the product around the time of the Olympics.

sweetheart deal

MEANING: a deal made between friends so that both may make a big profit


We were able to make a sweetheart deal with our landlord and got the rent greatly reduced.

take a nosedive

MEANING: collapse, fail, decrease in value


The stock market took a nosedive when the earnings of the oil company began to weaken.

take on

MEANING: to give a job to or hire someone


The company took on many new workers during the busy holiday season.

take over

MEANING: take control or possession of something, take charge or responsibility


The government decided to take over the bank after it declared bankruptcy.

take public

MEANING: sell shares in a company to the general public


We decided it was necessary to take our company public in order to raise money to expand our facilities.

take stock

MEANING: count the items of merchandise or supplies in stock, take inventory


The department store closes down for 3 days every March in order to take stock.

throw cold water on

MEANING: discourage, forbid


The managers threw cold water on the plans to close down the factory for one week in August.

throw money at something

MEANING: try to solve a problem by spending money on it


The president of our company is willing to throw a lot of money at the problem in the hope of solving it.

tight spot

MEANING: a difficult situation


The computer manufacturing company has been in a tight spot since the shortage of computer chips appeared.

turn over

MEANING: to buy and then sell something to customers


The turn-over at that discount store is very rapid.

work out

MEANING: plan, develop


I spent the weekend trying to work out the budget estimates for next year.

write off

MEANING: remove from a business record, cancel a debt


It was impossible for the bank to collect the money so they were forced to write off the loan.


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